Life Groups
Our aim is to grow strong followers of Jesus who know him well and represent him out into our world. To that end, we believe that smaller groups are the best venue to promote spiritual growth and fellowship. In addition to joining us on Sunday mornings, we encourage every person to get connected into a Life Group. A typical gathering in a home, would include fellowship time, praise and prayer and study of God’s Word.
We are offering groups for the fall of 2022 around our study in the Five solas of the Reformation. If you are interested in joining a group please contact us or sign up on Sunday.

DGroups exist at Green Ridge to make disciples who are fully engaged followers of Jesus. We want to be intentional about seeing every member becoming a self-feeding believer who participates in a discipleship relationship that reproduces the life of Christ in another person.
DGroups are gender specific and usually consist of 3-4 people. The purpose of these weekly meetings is to encourage each other in our disciplined pursuit for the heart of God and sharpen our love for each other. A typical gathering includes reviewing a memory verse, sharing what the Lord has been teaching from your daily time with him, and then a closing prayer time for each other. Join us in our lower level as we typically track the Sunday sermons with a follow up guide. This group functions as one of our Life groups for those desiring fellowship and teaching in God’s Word.

A life devoted to prayer, both personally and corporately, is a clear hallmark of those who love God wholeheartedly. Each Wednesday at 7 pm we gather at our facility to pray together. All our welcome to this “engine room” of the Church. We also have a Prayer chain in our church to share requests and lift people up to the LORD. At Green Ridge we desire to increasingly become a church that is prayer saturated. If you wish to be a part of the prayer chain, please send an email to info@greenridgechurch.ca to be included.

Adult Sunday School
On Sundays at 9:30am the adults gather to deepen our walk with the LORD and each other. Join us upstairs as we engage in various Biblical topics. Our aim is to offer a spiritual growth venue both for those unable to join throughout the week in a Life Group and those wanting to meet for further fellowship and teaching in the Word.